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What makes the Temple Wiccan?

1. The Temple generally follows certain magical and ritual practices that have been provided by Wiccan authors (for public consumption) such as the eight Wiccan sabbats (holidays), casting circle, as well as the invocation of elements & deities. 

2. Similar to the "golden rule, the Temple follows the Wiccan Rede "an it harm none."  While the Wiccan Rede may be interpreted different ways by different traditions, the Temple takes that phrase quite literally. 


What is the difference between the Temple and a Coven/Tradition?


The Temple does not initiate, provide oath-bound knowledge or claim lineage to a formal tradition.  The Temple of the Roses is more likened to "Eclectic Wicca" rather than "Traditional Wicca" such as Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Seax-Wica, etc.


What does "Eclectic Wicca" mean?


Eclectic Wicca is a more flexible and individualized approach to Wicca than "Traditional Wicca". Eclectic Wiccans draw from a wide range of spiritual traditions, beliefs, and practices. 


How do I find a coven?


While the aim of the Temple is to provide ordination for Wiccan clergy, you may be able to achieve this, as well as a deeper education and experience, from an organized coven/tradition.  Finding a coven/tradition is similar to being adopted by a family and should not be taken lightly. 


1. Begin by researching traditions.  A good place to start is Appendix A: Wiccan Denominations from Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft. 

2. You can locate covens in your area by visiting


How often do you hold events?


Each event is arranged based on member availability. The frequency of our events, instructor led classes and rituals will increase proportionally as our community grows and attracts more members.  Classes are online and self paced.


What are the types of membership?



~ no annual membership dues

~ access to certain on-line events

`~ Seekers are not eligible to vote, become ordained, or to be elected to the Board of Trustees.



~ $240 annual membership dues

~ have all Seeker accesses

~ eligible to vote, become ordained, and to be elected to the Board of Trustees. 



~ $240 annual membership dues to remain eligible to vote or be elected to the Board of Trustees

~ all Dedicant accesses 

~ have become ordained by the Temple


How do I join as a Seeker?

Simply create an account on the site for free.


How do I join as Dedicant?

Q: What are the requirements to advance from Seeker to Dedicant?
A: To apply for the role of Dedicant in the Temple of the Roses, Seekers must complete the following requirements:

1. Please create an account on the site to access the 12 seeker classes and discussion questions. 

2. Written Reflection



3. Timeline and Submission

  • Seekers are encouraged to complete one question per month, though the timeline can be adjusted as long as all 12 questions are completed within the year and a day period.

  • Responses can be submitted individually (e.g., monthly) or all at once as a final portfolio.

4. Feedback and Mentorship

  • Mentors or facilitators will provide feedback and support throughout the process, helping Seekers deepen their understanding and address any questions or challenges.

5. Submission Instructions

  • Once all 12 questions have been completed, Seekers should submit their responses along with the following information:

    • Full name.

    • Contact information (email address and phone number).

    • The total word count of their submission.

    • ​

  • Submissions should be sent to:

  • If submitting in parts (e.g., monthly), Seekers should ensure all parts are labeled clearly with their name and the class number they are addressing.


2. Email a written request to to join the Temple, including the applicant’s:

  • name,

  • email address,

  • cell phone number,

  • address,

  • answers to discussion questions on the 12 seeker classes

    • Seekers are required to write a total of 3,600 words across all 12 questions, which can be distributed flexibly.

    • Individual responses are expected to range between 250–400 words per question to ensure depth without being overly restrictive.

    • This requirement reflects the tradition of "a year and a day," offering Seekers time to reflect, grow, and integrate their learning.

  • applicant’s written agreement to abide by the Temple’s articles of incorporation and bylaws


You will receive notification that you've been accepted and instructions on how to submit annual membership dues, if applicable.  Your period of membership will begin the day the payment is received and continue for one year, uninterrupted.


What if I can't participate after I join?


If during your membership period, you are unable to participate,

  1. your status will change from active to inactive by vote of the Board of Trustees.  A member who is declared inactive by the board can be re-instated as active by request to the Board of Trustees for the remainder of their annual subscription date.

  2. Members will not be refunded for the inactive period, nor will the inactive period be carried over in time.  For example, if a member's annual period begins on January 1st and is inactive from May - July, their membership will not extend past December 31st to compensate for the May-July pause.


Can I join with no intentions of ever becoming an ordained Priest?


Yes.  There are no requirements to become ordained in order to retain membership with the Temple of the Roses.


Why become ordained?


Our ordination program is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding, equivalent to a "year and a day," covering fundamental aspects of Wicca. This includes a practical grasp of Wiccan ethics, history, beliefs, concepts of deity, holidays, elements, altar construction, ritual practices, traditions, journeywork, magic/energy, spell work, and rites of passage.


There are no requirements to become ordained to be a member of the Temple of the Roses although one may choose to complete the ordination exam and ceremony.  The purpose of this church is primarily to build community however, some find it encouraging to be able to be recognized for their efforts and the knowledge they've gained.


It's often unnecessary to undergo ordination for the authority to officiate marriages in many cases. However, specific jurisdictions may mandate that clergy obtain ordination, by a "deliberate act" through a recognized church approved by the state including broader religious functions beyond just overseeing weddings.


How do I become ordained?


Individual ordinations are being managed with a personalized approach. Prior to engaging in discussions or consideration, it is advised to explore "coven traditions." The prerequisites for ordination may involve a mix of class attendance, active participation, and examinations, culminating in a ceremony where a certificate is conferred.


It's important to note that any conditions related to officiating at events like weddings are the responsibility of the ordained Priest. Additionally, it is emphasized that these requirements can differ based on the regulations of the specific state and county.  Please contact for further information.


What are your sources for the ordination exam?


Our main references are two (2) of the most prominent beginner books in Wicca being Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham and Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland for which the classes, exams and rituals are largely based.


What God(s) do you worship?


The Temple does not elevate any specific God(s).


Does the Temple have a grievance redress mechanism (GRM)?


Yes.  Any Seeker, Dedicant or Priest may submit a Request for Decision on any request regarding the temple for the Board of Trustees to review, decide and provide feedback on.  The Request for Decision is a form and can be accessed as a menu item that will appear once the member has joined the Temple through the site.





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